Nexos: The 2016 Presidential Election and the Latino/a Vote

March 31, 2016 - 5:30 PM

Super Tuesday and the North Carolina primary are over. How will the 2016 presidential candidates attract (or not attract) Latino/a voters in the general election this November?

Dr. David Leal, Professor of Government at the University of Texas at Austin and Federico Rios, ‎Program Director of Elementary School Services at Communities In Schools of Charlotte-Mecklenburg, will host a public discussion about the 2016 presidential election and the Latino/a vote. Capping off the Program in Latin American Studies (LTAM)’s William Brown Conference on Latin American Studies, this event moves away from the strict academic study of politics and takes place at UNC Charlotte Center City (320 E 9th St, Charlotte, NC 28202) to provide as much opportunity as possible for the audience to exchange ideas. Attendees can discuss questions about political exclusion, difficulty in voting, racism, what kind of language candidates use to describe immigrants, outreach, etc. North Carolina’s primary will take place on March 15, so this event will be able to pinpoint how candidates campaigned in the state and what that means for the general election in November.

Doors open at 5p.m., followed by the discussion at 5:30p.m. and a reception at 6:30PM. The event is open to the public without charge, but RSVPs are requested. Complimentary parking is available.  

Dr. Leal is a widely known scholar of Latino/a politics and Mr. Rios is a specialist in working closely with undocumented minors who are attending Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools.
